The Kayon Jungle Resort – Truly Ubud Escape


Oos River & Bhagawan Markandheya

Perched atop the Oos River as it flows through Bali’s lush Ubud region, The Kayon Jungle Resort offers a majestic setting steeped in mystique and wonder. In the hushed whispers of time, tales echo through the foliage, revealing the Oos River as more than a mere conduit of water. It transcends the realm of liquid currents, emerging as a living entity adorned with enchanting narratives. This river, etched with the imprints of centuries, breathes life into its waters, birthing stories that dance in the ripples and linger in the embrace of ancient trees.

The name Oos River is derived from the Sanskrit word “Usadha” (pronounced “Oosada/Wusada”), which means natural remedies. Legend has it that immersing oneself in the sacred waters of the Oos River bestows profound curative powers, enriching the body and soul with unparalleled physical and spiritual rejuvenation.

As centuries passed, the river became a living chronicle, carrying thousands of stories of forgotten civilizations, the whispers of ancient sages, and the harmonious melodies of creatures that call its banks home. As the moonlight caresses the riverbanks, the stories awaken, casting an ethereal glow on the waters that carry the weight of centuries-old secrets. 

In this enchanting setting, Bhagawan Markandheya’s timeless wisdom adds to the river’s allure. A revered sage of ancient Hindu mythology, his spiritual journey left an indelible mark on these sacred grounds. Born of celestial lineage, Bhagawan Markandheya’s divine footsteps graced the land of Bali during his transcendent voyage. Today, as travelers journey along the Oos River’s banks, they carry memories of a breathtaking landscape and a profound connection to the ancient spirit of the Oos River, further enriching the experience entwined with timeless wisdom.