The Kayon Jungle Resort – Truly Ubud Escape



At The Kayon Jungle Resort, time gracefully waltzes to nature’s rhythm, and the spirit of Kumbhakarna holds sway. As the sun paints an ethereal tapestry upon the foliage, guests are invited to embrace the philosophy of Kumbhakarna, a celebration of quiet reflection, to cast away unease and distress like lingering dewdrops.

Kumbhakarna, an ancient titan from the Ramayana epic, stood alongside his brother, Ravana, as a celestial guardian, weaving a tale of gods, demons, and timeless wisdom into the very fabric of our sanctuary. Beyond any misconceptions, Kumbhakarna’s spirit longed for a profound connection with life’s harmonies. Beneath his formidable exterior, a soul enamored with simplicity and ancient wisdom resided.

At The Kayon Jungle Resort, Kumbhakarna’s essence permeates the air, beckoning guests to surrender to restful slumber and relish earthly flavors. Amidst the lush canopy and wildlife symphony, time unfurls like lotus petals, each moment treasured in its divine splendor.

Kumbhakarna’s philosophy invites you to partake in a celestial dance, embracing the beauty of slow living and transcending the ordinary.